Papers should be written in a widely-spoken language, and sent as MS Word-format documents.
Length: not more than 10 pages;
Paper size: A4
Font: Times New Roman (12 pt)
Line spacing: 1
Alignment: Justified
Top 3 cm
Bottom 2 cm
Title: bold capitals, centered, TNR (14 pt);
Authors: (2 blank lines below the title) (including academic rank and affiliation) TNR Bold, centered, 12 pt;
Abstract: (separated from the name of the last author (by 2 blank lines) max. 200 words in Englesh, TNR italic, 12 pt;
Key words: up to five key words, in the same language as the abstract;
Body of the text: (separated from the key words by two blank lines) TNR, regular font, 12 pt;
Headings: aligned left, TNR, bold, 12 pt;
Figures, tables, diagrams will be numbered and inserted in the text;
Notes and references will be listed in full at the end of the paper.
It is recommended that the text of the article be a maximum of 15 pages.